Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dad asked me how to spell rough life. I said L-O-U-L-A----R-A-E. Funny thing is that I also spell spoiled and princess that way too.

Doing some tubing at the pool with cousin Hudson.


Bath time with my pink earplugs. Notice my favorite toy is the cap to dads shaving creme.

Look what I got (I mean dad got) for fathers day. A jog stroller so dad can take me with him after work when he runs. I love it so much mom and dad have to hide it otherwise I climb into it and will not get out...ever....without the biggest fit you have ever seen.

On my way to day care in Dad's truck and not all that happy about it.

I will probably eat at least 10 more of these Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

Hudson and I cooking dinner in my kitchen from Grandma and Grandpa McNamara.

Air Loula-Rae

Me and the gang up to no good.

I love the water.

Yes, we went to Disney again last weekend. And yes we are going this Sunday again. Love those season passes from Grandma and Grandpa Kalklosch.

My new favorite ride Dumbo or the way I say it Mumbo.

Dad and I on Mumbo.

Mom and I waiting in line for the rockets in front of Tomorrowland

Oh Wow...Those Rockets Look Fun

This is an OK picture. The better picture would have been when mom and dad were trying to get out of this thing. Seriously, they almost needed the Jaws of Life. These rockets are not meant for 3 people.

I love it when dad carries me through the park on his shoulders. Then I can tell him where to go.

Mom and dad took me on the monsters Inc. ride at California Adventure and I tried to make my scariest monster face. Fine....really I am just scared sh$%#less and they have no business taking me on this ride.

Randall Boggs from the Monsters Inc. Ride

My best impersonation of Randall Boggs from Monster Inc. OK you got me..I am just scared Sh$#%less still. Get me off this ride. Thanks to Grandma for the excellent camera work.

Mom, Grandma, Dad and I on the Bug's Life Heimlich the Caterpillar ride. This one is more my pace.