Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Patch With Grandma and Grandpa Mac

The three little pigs

All I need is my Wranglers and I am ready for my cameo on a new Brett Favre Commercial

You can have one sip Grandma...That's It...I get the rest.

Me and Grandpa Mac

Here come the train.

Mom Dad and I on the train

I get excited pretty easily if you haven't noticed.

Grandpa took this picture of me while we were on the train going through the pitch dark tunnel. The flash from the camera light up the tunnel to take the picture. Notice mom and dad carelessly having fun while I am scared stiff holding on to their legs for dear life . Good parenting mom and dad.

I am almost as tall as Grandma....I wish

Ok Guys, If it is not too much to ask, all I really want is these 23 Pumpkins. Lets get the wheelbarrow and get outta here.

Reese's B-Day Party

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mine and Grandma Rae's Birthday Party

Mine and Grandma's Birthday Cake. As dad put it "That thing cost more than my wedding cake". But hey....Grandma and I are worth it.

The infamous pirate ship. Bigger than our whole front yard. I heard dad tell mom "this is your deal, you can go tell the neighbors they can't leave their houses because the road is blocked"

The Pirate ship was a big hit.

America's next top Baby Model

Can I offer you any h'ordeurves...Psyche....Back Off, This is my food Dude.

Let me see. Should I eat the two plates of food I have for myself or should I eat Hudson's food first. Either way I am clearing all three of these plates.

We had a real hard time with this Pinata.

Finally Mason just whacked the living crap out of it. Of course, the Pinata was fine but the string broke.

Pink Pirate Hat.... Check.
Pink and Blue Heart Glasses....Check.
Green Plastic Wavy Straw...Check
Either we're on our way to our first Frat Party Kegger or we're at a 2 years old's Birthday Party.

Mom and Dad think I am cute, I think I look like Elton John's Illegitimate Daughter

For some reason these pictures did not turn out well but you cannot have a birthday post without pictures of someone blowing out the candles.

Hey Reese, I think you have a little something on your face.

You can help me open this Hudson but don't even think about trying to take my presents home with you.

If I could read I am sure I would realize this card says nice things.